CEO Blog 3: Can I extract and track my business specific information?
As part of the legacy contract migration/data extraction series of blogs, here is the 3rd one of the series.
Can I extract and track my business-specific information?
But of course! In fact, 30-40% of the information that Brightleaf extracts are our clients’ business-specific information. To give an example, for a Class 1 Railroad company, we extracted the mileage marker that the railroad track started from, ended upon, the length of track in miles, whose obligation was it to maintain that mile of track, etc.!
Word of advice – don’t let AI software limit you from the information that you require and would like to track/report upon.
If your list of attributes grows too fast and hence exceeds budgeting limitations, some of these attributes could be done as Phase 2 of the project. Phase 2 can be contacts that are more relevant (high spend clients? MSAs/SoWs v/s NDAs? Etc.) – what is most important to you!
To give an example, we extracted the length of track and the mileage markers for a Class 1 Railroad company. Neither did our AI software limit this nor did our process to understand these attributes. We could process them all.