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    Last name


    Help us improve by sharing your feedback.

    1. How closely did Brightleaf company follow your project timelines?

     Extremely Close   Very Close Moderately close Slightly close Not at all close

    2. How would you rate Brightleaf overall quality of the service?

     Very Good Good Fair Poor

    3. Did Brightleaf add value to your understanding of how to track contractual data?

     Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree

    4. Overall, how satisfied were you with our services?

     Delighted Very satisfied Satisfied Somewhat satisfied Not at all satisfied

    5. Please describe if there was any particular aspect of the service experience that was good or unsatisfactory

    6. Based on your experience with our services, how likely are you to continue our services again?

     Definitely will Probably will Might or might not Probably will not Definitely will not

    7. Based on your experience with our services, would you recommend Brightleaf company?

     Definitely will Probably will Might or might not Probably will not Definitely will not

    8. If you would like to share any additional comments or experiences about our services, please enter them below.